Newsletter - News and Events

Newsletter - News and Events Friday, 20 Oct 2023

Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp

At the end of Term 3, our Year 9 students completed their Outdoor Education Camp.The...

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Newsletter - News and Events Friday, 20 Oct 2023

Anglican Schools Commission Middle School...

On Friday 13 October the School hosted the ASC Middle Schools Band Day.Students from St...

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Newsletter - News and Events Friday, 20 Oct 2023

Illuminate Art Exhibition

The Kwobadiny Sports Centre hosted the Year 7 to Year 12 Practical and Creative Arts...

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Newsletter - News and Events Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023

Year 10 Try a Trade

In Week 9 of Term 3, a group of Year 10 students attended Rockingham Campus...

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Newsletter - News and Events Monday, 18 Sept 2023

Samoa Service Learning Trip

Four of our students will be attending the ASC Service Learning Trip to Samoa during the...

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Newsletter - News and Events Monday, 18 Sept 2023

Halls Head Inter-School Carnival

On Friday 15 September, 64 students from the Halls Head Campus participated in the...

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Newsletter - News and Events Friday, 15 Sept 2023

Kids Teaching Kids

Students from the Halls Head and Meadow Springs Primary Eco Committees have recently attended...

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Newsletter - News and Events Thursday, 14 Sept 2023

Australian STEM Video Game Challenge

The Australian STEM Video Game Challenge is open to all students in Australia who...

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Newsletter - News and Events Tuesday, 05 Sept 2023

Father's Day Celebrations in Kindergarten

At Meadow Springs and Halls Head Campuses, the Kindergarten classes celebrated their dads, granddads and father...

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