From The Chaplain (Issue 11, 2023)

Newsletter - Executive Friday, 18 Aug 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

As I walk my dog Buster in the mornings, I am noticing not only that the dawn is earlier, so the days are longer, and the fresh Djilba weather speaks of the warmth of the seasons to come. There is a sense of the world reawakening from a long slumber, and the air is full of potential.

This is my favourite time of the year, as cold and dark mornings give way to bright sunrises and the call of birds in the trees. It is a great time of year to relish the quiet of the mornings, and the potential of the new day, just as the wildlife around us bring forth their babies and teach them to forage, to fly and to hunt.

It is also a good time of year for us to take stock and to draw breath, before we begin the ascent ahead. Many of our students will be preparing for examinations, assessments and tests. Many more will be considering career options or courses. Some have begun to plan for the transition to Secondary School, or to take on challenges in the new year. It is a time of year filled with potential, and it is exciting. 

It is also a great time of year to see the hand of God in waking up Creation from its rest, with trees in bud and the yellows of acacias giving way to the pinks and golds and blues of the wildflowers. It is a time of year to give thanks for all we have, and all to which we aspire.

Reverend Canon James
School Chaplain